"PAY IT FORWARD" by Catherine Ryan Hyde
I've been watching again this movies last week, and still crying at the end, even this my fourth time watching it. After so long give-up on searching this book, then again I saw it "again" on Melisa's Blog ... Can anyone give me this book pleases?? *side-effect-after-blogwalking*

Trevor, meanwhile, could use a little help himself. His father walked out on the family, and his mother, Arlene, is fighting an uphill battle with alcoholism, poor judgment in men, and despair. When the boy's new Social Studies teacher, Reuben St. Clair, arrives on the scene, Trevor sees in him not only a source of inspiration for how to change the world, but also the means of altering his mother's life. Yet Reuben has his own set of problems. Horribly scarred in Vietnam, he is reluctant to open himself up to the possibility of rejection--or love. Indeed, the relationship between Arlene and Reuben is central to the novel as these two damaged people learn to "pay forward" the trust and affection Trevor has given them.
Hyde tells her tale from many different perspectives, using letters, diary entries, and first- and third-person narratives from the various people whose lives Trevor's project touches. Jerry Busconi, for example, the addict Trevor tried to help, one night finds himself talking a young woman out of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge:
I'm a junkie, Charlotte. I'm always gonna be a junkie. I ain't never gonna be no fine, upstanding citizen. But then I thought, hell. Just pay it forward anyway. Kid tried to help me. Okay, it didn't work. Still, I'm trying to help you. Maybe you'll jump. I don't know. But I tried, right? But let me tell you one thing. I woke up one morning and somebody gave me a chance. Just outta nowhere. It was like a miracle. Now, how do you know that won't happen to you tomorrow?
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Pay It Forward is reminiscent of Frank Capra's classic It's a Wonderful Life. Like
the film, this novel has a steely core of gritty reality beneath its optimism:
yes, one person can make a difference, can help to make the world a
better place, but sickness, pain, heartache, and tragedy will still always be a
part of the human condition. If at times Hyde stumbles a bit while negotiating
the razor-thin line between honest feeling and sentimentality, it's generally
not for long. And the occasional lapse into artificially colored emotion can be
forgiven when weighed against the courage it takes to write so unabashedly
hopeful a story in such cynical times. --Sheila Bright
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This stories not only touch me about the tragedy ... but when I watched this movie for the first time many-many years ago, I'm on the middle of being 'as soon as possible' on mental-breakdown because of the situasion on work. I'm an idealistic person, so naive and so overwhelmed with to many mission that can change the world (yes, I'm that young and naive) until at some point, I'm question my self --- what am I doing with this people that never care about someone else than themself ?? Just when I decide to left everthing behind, message on this movie makes my 'brain' suddenly clear, you can achieve anything with many different ways, just hold on that BIG Dreams and your Goals fo Life !!! So this stories, you can say it, had change my perspective, change my life too ...
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ahhh ini filmnya sedih bangeeet =( kayanya bukunya sama menyedihkan nya deh huhu
ReplyDeleteIya, sudah nonton 4 kali, masih nangis terus huhuhu, bokap aja wkt ikutan nonton juga nangis ...
Deletepernah nonton filmnya dan sukaaa..
ReplyDeleteayo cari bukunya yuk :D
Deletewah aku jadi penasaran sama buku dan filmnya. ^^
ReplyDeleteini filmnya jadul banget mbak, aq nemu wkt di makassar, di pulau jawa ubek-ubek ngak aja, bukunya pernah diterjemahkan tapi lebih jadul lagi :(
DeleteFilm favoritku. Ada bukunya? mau baca :)
Bukunya masih wishlist mbak :D