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By Margareth Mitchell
Copyright © 1936 by The Macmillan Company
Copyright renewed © 1964 by Stephens Mitchell and Trust Company
of Georgia as Executors of Margaret Mitchell Marsh
Copyright renewed © 1964 by Stephens Mitchell
Cover illustration © 1939 Turner Entertainment Co.
Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Alih Bahasa : Sutanty Lesmana
Sampul dikerjakan kembali oleh David
Cetakan II : Juni 2009
Total Halaman : 1.124 hlm
Total Halaman : 1.124 hlm
Part III : Chapter XVII – XXX | p. 323
– p. 566
[ Period : start on May 1864, until September 1865 | beginning at Atlanta, then goes to North Georgia at Tara's ]
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Situasi Atlanta ini juga menjadi
tempat terdekat untuk mengirim prajurit-prajurit yang terluka. Kesibukan tiada
henti akan datangnya korban-korban setiap harinya, membuat para sukarelawan
harus bekerja mati-matian demi menolong para korban dengan kondisi seadanya. Scarlet
benar-benar tak mampu bernafas, melihat korban demi korban silih berganti.
Apalagi belum ada kabar tentang Ashley yang tertangkap dan menjadi tawanan
pihak Utara. Ditambah dengan kondisi Melanie yang sedang hamil tua, padahal
fisiknya sendiri sangat lemah, maka kehamilan pertamanya ini justru semakin
menyerap seluruh tenaga dan energinya. Scarlett yang sangat disayanginya,
menjadi tumpuan harapan serta kekuatan pada diri Melanie, apalagi ia didera kecemasan
akan nasib Ashley.
Scarlett bagai dihadapkan pada ‘buah simalakama’ – di satu sisi ia
sangat tidak menyukai Melanie, bahkan rekasi itu menjadi sebuah kebencian akan
ketergantungan Melanie terhadap dirinya. Namun Scarlett tak mapu menolak karena
ia merasa ‘terikat-sumpah’ untuk menjaga dan merawat Melanie, sebuah janji yang
diminta oleh Ashley sebelum ia kembali ke medan perang saat cuti pertama beberapa
bulan sebelumnya. Para tetua di Atlanta masih yakin bahwa pasukan Jenderal
Johnston yang menjaga perbatasan akan mampu menahan serangan pasukan Sherman
sebagai pendobrak barikade pasukan Selatan. Jika mereka saling berkumpul untuk
saling menguatkan, tiada percakapan lain kecuali tentang keyakinan bahwa perang
akan segera berakhir dengan kemenangan Selatan. Satu-satunya orang yang
berpendapatan sebaliknya hanyalah Rhett Butler, maka ia tetap menjadi ‘musuh dalam selimut’ bagi penduduk
Atlanta dan sekitarnya, bahkan beberapa pihak menjulukinya sebagai antek kaum
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Random Though :
On this part, the civil war already
spread and the South fight really hard to defends their land, their teritory.
But like Rhett Butler says, the Union had much more people on his troops. If
one soldier from South had to ‘face-to-face’
with at least two or three peolple from North, then you can imagine how long
they can resist the war. Specially without proper food, proper clothes or even
shoes on the cold winter, and the weapon are old compare to the North’s who had
new weapon. Even the animal, likely horses who the most important tools on this
war, was so thin and malnutrition just like the rider. The only thing keep them
to stay strong on this war, are the pride as the South’s – they believe on the
sacred-war or at least that was the first propaganda, and now everybody start
to realiaze the truth...but it was to late.
Scarlett usually good on running away
from trouble. But this time she had to face it. War are very close and
happening on Atlanta. And she cannot
leave Melanie who had to pick the worse day to labor her first baby. Without
anybody that can help the procedur, Scarlett trying to help Melanie with so much
anger and scare at the same time. At last when the baby finally born after long
period and hard process, Scarlet had to plan an excape – she wants coming back
on Tara’s, but who can help her if most people of the town already runaway to
another safe town ? Oh, there’s someone still left and Scarlett knows he would
help her. Scarlett asking the man she hate but yet still need it like this
time, she ask Rhett Butler to help her coming back home, on Tara’s. Judging the
looks on Melanie’s conditions and the baby that so weak, and Scarett's histeria in front of his, Rhett agree to accompany and help them.
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So on the brief version, Scarlett and
her companion, succed to return Tara’s on very hard and slow journey. If
Scarlett hopes to find some relief as soon she enter the house of Tara’s --- it
was another nightmare waiting for her. His mother was past-away a day before
she arrive, her father was very shock and become very different person, his
beloved wife, his plantation, and all the slave was gone. Scarlett had to take
offer all the responsibility on Tara’s. No one can help her, but she had so
many people depending on her shoulder. Left with her two sister Suellen and
Carreen who still very sick for the plague that kill her mother, Melanie and
her baby, her son Wade, and Mammy, Pork and Dilcey (just those three person
still wanna stay and help in Tara’s), Scarlett dreams of her own future was
gone. Now she must fight and bring back Tara’s on the golden era, just before
the war hit them like a meteor falling from sky.
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Best Regards,

This part gave me a very different perspective of Scarlett's character. I do respect her, at least before Ashley appeared again.
ReplyDeletenovel klasik yang tidak membosankan, meskipun dibaca berulang kali...demikian juga dengan filmnya :)