Hi, Historical Fiction Challenge are back this year with the new format and new challenge. For last year participants, there's a lot fun and crazy moment specially by the end of the year 2012 (a hectic schedule and readings challenge are far beyond target, yes I know your feelings too). That's why I makes some changes on the rules, rather than 'racing-up to the finish line' let's enjoying the reading but also completed our own target.
The Main Goal : to finished your TBRR list from 2013 - 2015 ( yes it's 3 years-in-the-role on readings challenge ), so if you join and start on January 2013 it will ended on January 2015.
Historian : ≥ 20 books / 3 year
Curator : 15 - 20 books /3 year
Librarian : 10 - 15 books /3 year
Collector : 5 - 10 books /3 year
About the Challenge :
- Choose your own Level.
- Make your own list on TBRR HisFic Pile. ( see example here )
- Make a blog posting about your reading ( the content is up to you, as long still about this Reading Challenge ).
- Don’t forget to added link post on your list after finished your task.
- Also don't forget to put your link reviews on the linky I will provide in this post.
- You must have a blog to post your readings challenge.
- Follow HobbyBuku's Classic on GFC (Google Friend Connect) or your Blogroll
- Put TBRR Pile Hictorical Fiction Challenge Button on your blog.
- Participants can join by add your URL blog at this comment below, and I will enclose your entry
at this ‘sign up page’ and I will provide "linky tools" so you can put your link post everytime you finished reviewing.
Yes, to added more ‘spirit & enthusiasm’ on your Reading Challenge, I will provide something special to participants that complete this categories on their challenge for each year. On 2013 Challenge The Winner of this task will be reward to choose book on your choice worth amout IDR 60 or $ 6 [ from Bookdepository or Bookstore in Surabaya ]
The Categories must be completed in a year 2013 to WIN the Prize :
In 2014 and 2015 I will choose another challenges, so we all can have fun, finished our TBRR Pile and gets the reward too (^_^)
SIGN - UP Participants on this comment below this post, with format : Name @ Blog Name (link to your blog post). It will open for the whole year, but your sign-up start on the month you register (for example, you join in March 2013, then your finished target will be on March 2015, the reviews on the month before you're joining are not gonna be counting as part of this challenge )
UPDATE REVIEWS for Participants each time you finished book from your list, just put your link posting in linky that already open in HERE [ you can enter your link as many as you like, 'cause I might having special giveaway from your entry update reviews ]
All questions regarding this event ( as participants ; partnerships ; sponsorships ) just contact me at e-mail : hobbybuku(at)gmail(dot)com | mention on twitter @HobbyBuku
- Indonesia's History Theme
- European's History Theme
- Japanese's History Theme
- Korean's History Theme
- Cina's History Theme
In 2014 and 2015 I will choose another challenges, so we all can have fun, finished our TBRR Pile and gets the reward too (^_^)
SIGN - UP Participants on this comment below this post, with format : Name @ Blog Name (link to your blog post). It will open for the whole year, but your sign-up start on the month you register (for example, you join in March 2013, then your finished target will be on March 2015, the reviews on the month before you're joining are not gonna be counting as part of this challenge )
UPDATE REVIEWS for Participants each time you finished book from your list, just put your link posting in linky that already open in HERE [ you can enter your link as many as you like, 'cause I might having special giveaway from your entry update reviews ]
All questions regarding this event ( as participants ; partnerships ; sponsorships ) just contact me at e-mail : hobbybuku(at)gmail(dot)com | mention on twitter @HobbyBuku
Best Regards,

Sinta @ Jendelaku Menatap Dunia (http://jendelakumenatapdunia.blogspot.com)
ReplyDeletehrs punya blog ya #blonbuatblog
ReplyDeleteiya mbak, utk memudahkan update data, jika tdk punya, bisa buat shelf di goodreads dan update post-nya di Note FB.
DeleteAku akhirnya ikut... http://hisficfanda.blogspot.com/2013/01/historical-fiction-challenge-2013-2015.html
ReplyDeleteAku ikut yaa...
ReplyDeleteAlthesia @MariMembaca http://althesia.blogspot.com/2013/01/historical-fiction-challenge-2013.html
Ikut lagi yah. http://surgabukuku.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/tbrr-pile-hisfic-challenge-2013/
Count me in:
Postingan Historical Reading Challenge:
By the way, where's the linky?
Hi mbak Yuska, link Master Post-nya sudah aku ganti ya (btw, link-nya jangan pakai short-link, tidak bisa dibuka :D tadi aq langsung ambil dari blog mbak Yuska)
DeleteUntuk update reviews bisa langsung masukan ke linky yang tersedia disini : http://my-classic-books.blogspot.com/2013/01/update-reviews-monthly-progress.html (tersedia di sidebar sebelah kanan blog-ku, dibawah master post HisFic Challenge dgn sub-title : Update Reviews)
saya ingin ikut ya..
blog: http://atriadanbuku.blogspot.com/
saya mau ikut
Silahkan Atria, langsung saja masukan entry postingan di bagian Update Post ya :D
DeleteSaya lupa sudah daftar RC ini sejak tahun lalu. Tapi nggak ikut mengupdate dan nggak bikin Master Post. Apa ini berarti saya nggak bisa menghitung buku-buku yang sudah saya baca di 2013?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIkutan Mbak! Belum telat, kan?
ReplyDeleteAmaya | Tale Territory | http://taleaddict.blogspot.com