~ Membaca Sastra Indonesia 2013 on Classic & Contemporer ~
Last year I'm join a special Reading Challenge host by Made Melani, and for entire year I only finished 2 books from my target 4 books. So I'm happy that this year Made Melani hosting another similar challenge, there for I can continue my Reading progress on this event.
This Reading Challenge named 'Membaca Sastra Indonesia 2013' and the main goal is to-Read and Review Indonesia's Literature through a whole year. No target ask for this, simply doing your self-challenge on reading this books. So I will continue my unfinished list from last year and added the new one (if I find another book interest my mind). I will trying not to added the new list, 'cause the purpose is to finished my TBRR Pile and to appreciated the contain of its books. my reviews will be added and update on Master Post Event, so everyone can share the same passion in reading Indonesia's Literature
[ link to previous challenge : My 2012 Indonesia's Literature Reading Challenge ]
My 2013 List on Indonesia's Literature Reading Challenge :
- Rara Mendut by YB Mangunwijaya
- Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk by Ahmad Tohari
- Badai Pasti Berlalu by Marga T.
- Gema Sebuah Hati by Marga T.
[ Noted : I will update the progress and added or changing the list so it will adjust with my reading schedule this year, so many challenges, so many books and so-so little time :D -- a bookaholic nightmares when had to face the TBRR Pile ]
If you like to join us in this event, just check the detail and Sign-Up Post at HERE
Best Regards,

aku pengen juga baca Rara Mendut suatu kali nanti...