Copyright © by Edgar
Allan Poe
From “The Murders in the Rue
Morgue and Other Tales”
This edition published in the
Penguin English Library 2012 | 330 p
Front cover illustration :
Coralie Bickford-Smith
Inside front cover : Edgar
Allan Poe (photograph © The Granger collection / TopFoto)
ISBN : 978-0-141-19897-2
Chapter 17 | p. 271 – 281
It’s really an unique and
strange stories, about the experiment to cheat the death using mesmerize
tehnique to persued ‘the brain’ as like they still alive, healthy and normal.
Written by one single-point-of-view, the narrator who act as him self, the one man
who have the ability and knowledge regarding the mesmerize tehnique. He never
quite proove his theory until he meet an old friend who suffer from the
terminal disease and awaiting for the right moment to die. This sick person
named Mr. Ernest M. Valdemar were reknowned author and his interesting on
science are the biggest interest that makes him agree to try the experiment.
When the perfect time are sets,
watching as a witness and helper, two doctor also check-out the patient
condition before and after the first attempt on mesmerized happens. If there
was any objections on this matter, it changing when all the witness watching
something extraordinary on the body of very sick man who about to die. His
conditions are stays for some period and then slowly all the trace of sickness
in his body are gone, one by one. But the body still remaining in the
mesmerized condition, just like ‘comatos-patient’ this days. And this
experiment taking times for quite a long time, about seven month after the
treatment start, then suddenly the narrator want to take this experiment into
another level. But that’s means he has to awake the ‘sleeping’ patient. Can you
guess what will happen next ? It’s something really horrible I can asure that
... so spooky !!!
[ source ] “Mr. Valdemar, are you asleep ?”“Yes; - asleep now. Do not wake me! – let me die so !”“Do you still feel pain in the breast, M. Valdemar?”“No pain – I am dying !”“M. Valdemar, do you still sleep ?”“Yes; still asleep – dying.”“Yes; - no; - I have been sleeping – and now – now – I am dead.”“M. Valdemar, can you explian to us what are your feelings or wishes now ?”“For God’s sake! – quick! – quick! – put me to sleep – or, quick! – waken me! – quick! – I say to you that I am dead!”
more about the author, books and related adaptations, check on here : EdgarAllan Poe | The Facts In The Case of M. Valdemar | All Adaptations ]
Best Regards,

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