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Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih
dari 1) yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera
dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga
alasan kenapa buku itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday
kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post). Kalau
mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang
sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)
I’ve been on the new project, searching
list of children classic, specification on books with Newbery Award, and found
that so many of them, a little collection I’ve owned makes me want to complete
the collection, at least I’ll trying to search and collect them as my new
reading collection. Among those list is :
Doctor Dolittle Series by Hugh Lofting
I remember reading it in school library
at high school, so wonderful world, makes my imagination go around the world
with the adventures of Dr. Dolittle and
all animals he meets on the journeys ... so exciting and very interesting, you
should know that Harry Potter has not been ‘born’ yet (^_^). And this book also open my vocabulary about
new genre of book at that time, where so far my knowledge about books (beside
school-books) it’s all about drama or romance, yes... at that time is very
limited choices, not like this time.
From this book, I’ve been reading books
by E.B. White, Beatrix Potter, Lewis Carroll, J.M. Barrie, Jules Verne, all
children classic books I can find in Library. So now I really want to collect
those memorable stories, added to my collection that who knows is going to my
children also ...
First book of this series : "The Story of Doctor Dolittle"
by Hugh Lofting
Review :
Dolittle, MD, is a respected physician and quiet bachelor
living with his spinster sister in the small English village of
Puddleby-on-the-Marsh. His love of animals grows over the years and his
household menagerie eventually scares off his human clientele, leading to loss
of wealth. But after learning the secret of speaking to all animals from his
parrot Polynesia, he takes up veterinary practice.

band barely escapes by ruse, but makes it to the monkey kingdom where things
are dire indeed as a result of the raging epidemic. He vaccinates the well
monkeys and nurses the sick back to health. In appreciation, the monkeys find a
pushmi-pullyu, a shy two-headed gazelle-unicorn cross, whose
rarity may bring Dr. Dolittle money back home.
the return trip, they again are captured in Jolliginki. This time they escape
with the help of Prince Bumpo, who gives them a ship in exchange for Dolittle's
bleaching Bumpo's face white, his greatest desire being to act as a European
fairy-tale prince. Dolittle's crew then have a couple of run-ins with pirates, leading to
Dolittle's winning a pirate ship loaded with treasures and rescuing a boy whose
uncle was abandoned on a rock island. After reuniting the two, Dolittle finally
makes it home and tours with the pushmi-pullyu in a circus until he makes
enough money to retire to his beloved home in Puddleby.
All the complete series of Doctor Dolittle :
The Story of Doctor Dolittle
The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle
Doctor Dolittle’s Post Office
Doctor Dolittle’s Circus
Doctor Dolittle’s Zoo
Doctor Dolittle’s Caravan
Doctor Dolittle’s Garden
Doctor Dolittle in the Moon
Doctor Dolittle’s Return
Doctor Dolittle and the Secret Lake
Doctor Dolittle and the Grey Canary
Gub-Gub’s Book
My wishes is to have the complete collection, but if there's a chance to grab one of those tittle, maybe I will do that too (^_^) ... now, how about your wishlist ?
Best Regards,
* Hobby Buku *
wowww...keren banget deh inii! akupun koleksi newbery books mba, bagus2 soalnya ceritanya =)
ReplyDeleteIya, gara-gara pernah lihat ada challenge tentang Newbery Books (tapi wkt kucari lagi tdk ketemu :( ...lupa ada diblognya siapa)
DeleteTapi jadi penasaran, mulailah 'misi-baru' hehe, lagi mau bikin nich
lhoh eh ada bukunya ya? selama ini aku cuma nonton filmnya doaaankk
ReplyDeletelha wkwkwk ... jangan-jangan nonton yang versi Eddi Murphy ya, ceritanya ngak kayak begitu lho mbak :D
DeleteBelum pernah baca Doctor Dolittle, gak terlalu suka buku anak2 sih (ketika sudah gak anak2 maksudnya :D)