For everyone who love classical stories
from many centuries until millenium
with some great story-teller around the world
these is just some compilation of epic-stories
that I've read and loved so many times
... an everlasting stories and memories ...


Wednesday, September 11, 2013



Setelah hampir dua minggu ‘merana’ karena tidak bisa online (komputer, laptop, modem, ponsel semuanya gantian butuh ‘perawatan-khusus’ alias istirahat sementara waktu) alhasil hari ini ketika akhirnya ‘jalur-lalu-lintas-onlinerku’ terbuka lebar dan tepat juga ada event WW-nya mbak Astrid yang kali ini berkolaborasi dengan miss Bzee untuk ‘special-giveaway’ ... jadilah diriku Happy plus ‘sumringah’ alias ‘nyengir lebar’ (apalagi klo menang, bakaln jungkir-balik-koprol deh kayaknya hohoho)

Cara mainnya sama dengan WW sebelumnya, dan untuk Giveaway kali ini, kita para peserta boleh memilih Hadiah senilai IDR 100 atau $ 10 dari list buku-buku yang tercantum dalam kumpulan review di FMs1, FMs2 dan FMs3 (langsung aja ‘klik’ di link tersebut dan cari linky tools berupa ‘famous-blue-frog’ di bagian bawah postingan). Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan baca seluruh persyaratan di postingan Book To Share dan Bacaan Bzee (^_^)

[ source ]
Nah, untuk edisi WW-ku kali ini, aslinya ada beberapa (tidak lebih dari 10 judul kok) yang menjadi incaranku, sebagian besar masuk kategori Award Winner, mulai dari :

SPLENDORS & GLOOMS by Laura Amy Schlitz 
[ source : Postingan mbak Astrid ]
Lagi ada promo untuk edisi Paperbacknya, benar-benar murmer cuman $ 4.24, tapi boleh atu tidak ya wishlistnya kategori PO di SINI *asli-bertanya*

THE BOOK THIEF by Markus Zusak 
[ source : Postingan Jun ]

WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS by Shel Silverstein 
[ source : Postingan mbak Dewi

Apa daya harganya melebihi budget yang ditetapkan (-__-) jadilah ku-tuliskan beberapa 'alternatif' wishlist lainnya, siapa tahu ada yang Santa yang berbaik hati mau kasih Kado duluan \(^0^)/

[ source : Postingan Kilas Buku ]
Sudah baca versi terjemahannya, tapi gara-gara Fanda dan Melisa jadi kepengen ikutan punya yang versi aslinya *jedutin-dahi-ke-bantal*
[ source : The Book Depository ]

~ atau ~

TURTLE IN PARADISE by Jennifer L. Holm
[ source : Postingan mbak Ana ]
Tidak pernah bisa 'menahan-diri' jika melihat tanda 'Newbery Award' di sebuah buku...
Preview :
In Jennifer L. Holm's New York Times bestselling, Newbery Honor winning middle grade historical fiction novel, life isn't like the movies. But then again, 11-year-old Turtle is no Shirley Temple. She's smart and tough and has seen enough of the world not to expect a Hollywood ending. After all, it's 1935 and jobs and money and sometimes even dreams are scarce. So when Turtle's mama gets a job housekeeping for a lady who doesn't like kids, Turtle says goodbye without a tear and heads off to Key West, Florida to live with relatives she's never met. Florida's like nothing Turtle's ever seen before though. It's hot and strange, full of rag tag boy cousins, family secrets, scams, and even buried pirate treasure! Before she knows what's happened, Turtle finds herself coming out of the shell she's spent her life building, and as she does, her world opens up in the most unexpected ways. Filled with adventure, humor and heart, "Turtle in Paradise" is an instant classic both boys and girls with love. Includes an Author's Note with photographs and further background on the Great Depression, as well as additional resources and websites. Starred Review, "Kirkus Reviews" "Sweet, funny and superb." Starred Review, "Booklist" "Just the right mixture of knowingness and hope . . . a hilarious blend of family drama seasoned with a dollop of adventure."

[ source : The Book Depository

~ atau ~ 

[ source : Postingan mbak Astrid ]
Salah satu incaranku untuk melengkapi Newbery Award Reading Challenge
Preview :
Ann Martin's phenomenal Newbery Honor book, now in paperback The summer Hattie turns 12, her predictable smalltown life is turned on end when her uncle Adam returns home for the first time in over ten years. Hattie has never met him, never known about him. He's been institutionalized; his condition invovles schizophrenia and autism. Hattie, a shy girl who prefers the company of adults, takes immediately to her excitable uncle, even when the rest of the family -- her parents and grandparents -- have trouble dealing with his intense way of seeing the world. And Adam, too, sees that Hattie is special, that her quiet, shy ways are not a disability
[ source : The Book Depository ]

~ atau ~ 

[ source : Postingan mbak Astrid ]
Satu lagi incaranku untuk melengkapi Newbery Award Reading Challenge (^_^)
Preview :
HOW HAD MRS. OLINSKI CHOSEN her sixth-grade Academic Bowl team? She had a number of answers. But were any of them true? How had she really chosen Noah and Nadia and Ethan and Julian? And why did they make such a good team? It was a surprise to a lot of people when Mrs. Olinski's team won the sixth-grade Academic Bowl contest at Epiphany Middle School. It was an even bigger surprise when they beat the seventh grade and the eighth grade, too. And when they went on to even greater victories, everyone began to ask: How did it happen? It happened at least partly because Noah had been the best man (quite by accident) at the wedding of Ethan's grandmother and Nadia's grandfather. It happened because Nadia discovered that she could not let a lot of baby turtles die. It happened when Ethan could not let Julian face disaster alone. And it happened because Julian valued something important in himself and saw in the other three something he also valued. Mrs. Olinski, returning to teaching after having been injured in an automobile accident, found that her Academic Bowl team became her answer to finding confidence and success. What she did not know, at least at first, was that her team knew more than she did the answer to why they had been chosen. This is a tale about a team, a class, a school, a series of contests and, set in the midst of this, four jewel-like short stories -- one for each of the team members -- that ask questions and demonstrate surprising answers.
[ source : The Book Depository

NOTE : Mohon maaf buat Wishlist-nya sekalian berantai, supaya tidak bolak-balik 'blogwalking' plus sekalian update daftar Wishlit-ku *nambah-terus-tak-peduli-nilai-rupiah-berbanding 180-derajat-dengan-nilai-dolar*

Best Regards,


  1. beberapa bukunya aku pengen juga. buku-buku Newberry emang selalu jadi incaran. :D

  2. Hihihi, syukur deh kalo FYE jadi nambahin wishlist Children's Literature *oops
    Good luck, mbak :)
