For everyone who love classical stories
from many centuries until millenium
with some great story-teller around the world
these is just some compilation of epic-stories
that I've read and loved so many times
... an everlasting stories and memories ...


Thursday, September 27, 2012

MY CHARACTER THURSDAY [ 8 ] : Ellen 'O Hara from "Gone With The Wind"

On this Month of September I challenge my self to read more "sexy-books" (nickname for thick & heavy books haha), and my friend Fanda join along with Bzee make event "Read Along Gone With The Wind" --- so here I am  holding the heavy books (it's hard cover edition LOL), and trying to finished it by middle of November. 

[ Barbara O'Neil as Ellen O'Hara ]
Many reader talks about Scarlett O'Hara or Rhett Butler, some of them prefer Ashley Wilkes, even Melanie Hamilton, well ... I'm not gonna talk about them until I finished reading it, at least half of it. So I gonna talk about Ellen O' Hara - mother of very stubborn and selfish Scarlett O'Hara. 

Ellen Robillard was a very young beautiful gals from Savannah County, raised with grace as the decendants of her  French Royal Family. Many of people always thought that she will married close friend and relative from their Savannah Community. But everybody really shock with her decision to marrying Gerald O'Hara - an Irish immigrant who become wealthy di the land of North Georgia. Ellen was only 15 years old when she married Gerald who already at the age 43. There is no love between them, well at least from Ellen. Her decision to married the 'outsider' based on her broken-hearted of the lost-cousin, someone who she falling in love for along time ago. No one knows about this, except her loyal slave and guardian call Mammy, who follow her in Georgia has help organize the House of Tara.

[ source ]
As the protagonist character, Ellen O'Hara can be discribe as 'women-with-power'. She never raise her voice, but everybody listen and obey her command. She never hesitate to help others in need, especially the poor people living outside the Tara's. She keep her three girls to learn manners and rules how to become a perfect girl in social-community. Even the naughty Scarlett always find how scary the quite looks she gave to her if Scarlett do something innapropriate. Scarlett always imagine her mother as the saint, because of her graceness, her gentle works, her passion to others, her ability to 'multasking' everthing in House of Tara, so everthing in orders. Everyone knows who the real master in Tara's, not Gerald, but Ellen. And everybody seems depending on her to much, if you had any problems and need help, go to Ellen O'Hara, she will fixed it for you.

Seems to me, Ellen living to give her live to others, because she can feels anything left inside her, after the death of someone she love deeply. After a while, of course she love her children, but because of experiment in 'pain' - she often spoiled them with lots and lots help, even when they are growing-up not as little girl any more. Ellen already left the ways Savannah's people living, but she still carrying the mind of a little bit arrogant women of the South, which in Ellen's look very suttle because she still had compassion to others in need. But in her three girl childrn, specially on Scarlett, all the worse and negative attitude added with stubborn (from Gerald's) and selfishness --- you can imagine what kind of person is that ??

[ source ]
Ellen dedicated her life to family, she was a role models to everyone surround her. Everybody was lost if she not around. Even spoiled girl like Scarlett often feeling lost and miss her gentle guidance and advice on her. On thing Ellen really gave in to Scarlett, her spirit not to give-up to everything, the different is, Ellen believe in God's Choice, and Scarlett often, well usually not very fond of His ... she only trust her own-guts (^_^)


Character Thursday
  • Adalah book blog hop di mana setiap blog memposting tokoh pilihan dalam buku yang sedang atau telah dibaca selama seminggu terakhir (judul atau genre buku bebas).
  • Kalian bisa menjelaskan mengapa kalian suka/benci tokoh itu, sekilas kepribadian si tokoh, atau peranannya dalam keseluruhan kisah.
  • Jangan lupa mencantumkan juga cover buku yang tokohnya kalian ambil.
  • Kalau buku itu sudah difilmkan, kalian juga bisa mencantumkan foto si tokoh dalam film, atau foto aktor/aktris yang kalian anggap cocok dengan kepribadian si tokoh.

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3. Buat posting dengan menyertakan copy-paste “Character Thursday” dan “Syarat Mengikuti” ke dalam postingmu.
3. Isikan link (URL) posting kalian ke Linky di bawah ini. Cantumkan nama dengan format: Nama blogger @ nama blog, misalnya: Fanda @ Fanda Classiclit.
4. Jangan lupa kunjungi blog-blog peserta lain, dan temukan tokoh-tokoh pilihan mereka. Dengan begini, wawasan kita akan bertambah juga dengan buku-buku baru yang menarik…

Best Regards, 


  1. Oh God, Ellen's cast was so beautiful and young... One thing I'm still contemplating, about her method for educating her daughters. Seems like she failed, very sorry.

  2. Yeah...she's a wonder woman. I like her most because she never see people because of who they are. She was willing to give help to whomever need it. Plus, she have a big devotion to God.
