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This week
edition of Wishful Wednesday really special, ‘cause Astrid as the lovely host
will (again) granted the wishes of ‘two’ (2) lucky winner who will be chosen
randomly. And as always, I still gave such high hopes that ‘dear mr. Random’
will puts his magic wand to me (^_^)
I’m not
gonna searching for new books, at least until the end of this year (hopefully
it will control or reduce some of my books pile thsi year), that’s why I choose
book from my previous wishlist, so here is my WW this week :
By Fyodor
Classics Edition [ $ 5.14 ]
Preview :
As Fyodor Karamazov awaits an amorous
encounter, he is violently done to death. The three sons of the old debauchee
are forced to confront their own guilt or complicity. Who will own to
parricide? The reckless and passionate Dmitri? The corrosive intellectual Ivan?
Surely not the chaste novice monk Alyosha? The search reveals the divisions
which rack the brothers, yet paradoxically unite them. Around the writhings of
this one dysfunctional family Dostoevsky weaves a dense network of social,
psychological and philosophical relationships. At the same time he shows - from
the opening 'scandal' scene in the monastery to a personal appearance by an
eccentric Devil - that his dramatic skills have lost nothing of their edge. The
Karamazov Brothers, completed a few months before Dostoevsky's death in 1881,
remains for many the high point of his genius as novelist and chronicler of the
modern malaise. It cast a long shadow over D. H. Lawrence, Thomas Mann, Albert
Camus, and other giants of twentieth-century European literature.
Years After"
By Alexandre
Classics Edition [ $ 4.84 ]
Preview :
A year after the publication of The Three
Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas produced a sequel worthy in every respect of the
original. In Twenty Years After the much beloved D'Artaganan, Athos, Porthos
and Aramis reunite to fight the forces of evil. In the original novel they
defeated Milady, a formidable foe; now they need to face her vengeful son
Mordaunt, as well as countering the machinations of the sinister Cardinal
Mazarin. Their adventures also take them to England, where Cromwell is about to
topple Charles I. Meanwhile, they must overcome the obstacles which the passing
of time has placed between them. Rediscovering strength in unity, they fight
for Queen and country. The Musketeer novels were a huge success in Dumas' own
lifetime, and have lost none of their original appeal. Translated into many
languages and adapted for cinema and television, they have helped to make Dumas
arguably the most successful exporter of French culture to the wider world.
alwalys, if you want to join this Wishful Wednesday Blog Hop, just follow this
instructions below :
- Silakan follow blog Book to Share – atau tambahkan di blogroll/link blogmu =)
- Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih dari 1) yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga alasan kenapa buku itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
- Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post). Kalau mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
- Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)

itu foto yg atas bikin ngiler deh, kapan ya bisa punya rak kaya gitu
ReplyDeleteRak-nya doank mbak ? Aq kasih deh klo cmn rak hahaha :D
DeleteEh, Wordsworthnya....bikin ngeper bacanyaaaaa hahaha...
ReplyDeleteSemoga segeraterkabul yaa
Ini buat ditimbun jadi simpanan tahun depan mbak Lila (^_^)
DeleteSemoga beruntung yaa ( ˘▽˘ʃƪ)
ReplyDeleteMakasih mbak Ira :D
DeleteHahaha. sama kayak komen mba Lila.
ReplyDeletesemoga menaang ya mbaaak
apanya yg samaan mbak, copas aja ya ...
Deletemakasih :D salam buat oryz sm si kecil
Wow, bacaan klasik. Pengen banget baca tapi biasanya ngga tahan :p
ReplyDeleteAq juga newbie kok Ratri, baru setahun terakhir ini coba-coba, ternyata banyak juga yg suka jadinya :D (asli dulu takut banget klo mau baca genre ini)
Delete3 Musketeers, pernah ada animenya.
ReplyDeleteSemoga terkabul yah :)
mending nonton film layar lebarnya daripada anime, lebih cakep yang jelas hehe :D
Deletemakasih ya Lina.
Wah Twenty Years After tuh sebelum atau setelah The Man in the Iron Mask ya?
ReplyDeleteSebelum The Man in The Iron Mask mbak Nana. Three Musketeers ini dilanjutkan dengan Twenty Years After lalu Ten Years Later.
DeleteSemoga segera lengkap koleksi klasiknya :))
ReplyDeletemakasih mbak Lulu :D mari sama-sama berdoa buat masing-masing wishlist hehehe
DeleteAku juga pengen ngoleksi ini :p Baru punya Great Gatsby. Dan Little Prince sama Alice In Wonderland lagi on the way....
ReplyDeleteKalau punya duit banyak sih pengennya koleksi yang Penguin Classic.
Cuma yang versi Wordsworth itu, oke juga covernya dan harganya kejangkau. Cuma dalemnya agak bikin jereng di mata >.<
Semoga lekas terkabul :D
klo mau koleksi yang Penguin English Library, nunggu pas lagi sale aja, aq beli juga pas sale mulai 30% - 50% kok (biar lambat asal dapat hehe)
DeleteYa edisi WWC ini kelemahannya emang bacanya kudu pake 'kaca pembesar' apalagi klo pas yg tebal, tapi mau apalagi, soalnya murmer dan kualitasnya bagus :D
wordsworth ini emang menggoda yaaa soalnya harganya juga terjangkau :) belum pernah baca dostoevsky niiih masi ngga berani hihi...thanks udah ikutan ya mba mar, gudlak :)
ReplyDeleteIyaaaa....pengennya PEL semua, tapi selisih hampir separuh *hicks*
DeleteAq juga blm pernah baca, makanya pengen coba, apalagi klo ada yg kasih "giveaway" (main-kode) xixixi
Thanks sdh adakan event ini mbak Astrid (sembari merapal mantra spy menang)
Aku juga mau kalo raknya, gyahahaha... :D
ReplyDeletewah keren... semoga terwujud ya wish bukunya :)