From October 2012 - February 2013, here is my progress :
- Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy 10/12
- Swiss Family Robinson - Johann David Wyss 10/12
- Journey To The Center of The Earth - Jules Verne 10/12
- Perfume - Patrick Suskind 10/12
- March - Geraldine Brooks 10/12
- KIM - Rudyard Kipling 10/12
- Imperial Woman - Pearl S. Buck 10/12
- Quo Vadis ? - Henryk Sienkienwicz 10/12
- Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell 11/12
- NIGHT - Elie Wiesel 11/12
- Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe 11/12
- The War of The Worlds - H.G. Wells 12/12
- The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald 12/12
- Mansfield Park - Jane Austen 12/12
- Rebecca of The Sunnybrook Farm - Kate Wiggin Douglas 12/12
- The Sword In The Stone - T.H. White 12/12
- The Prince and The Pauper - Mark Twain 12/12
- Daisy Miller - Henry James 12/12
- Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare 12/12
- To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee 01/13
- Emily of New Moon - L.M. Montgomery 01/13
- The Crucible - Arthur Miller 01/13
- Memoirs of A Geisha - Arthur Golden 01/13
- Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens 02/13
- A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens 02/13
- A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens 02/13
- A Child's Dream of A Star - Charles Dickens 02/13
- The Haunted Man and The Ghost's Bargain - Charles Dickens 02/13
- Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson 02/13
- Little House In The Big Woods - Laura Ingalls Wilder 02/13
- Little House On The Prairie - Laura Ingalls Wilder 02/13
- Little Lord Fauntleroy - Frances Hodgson Burnett 02/13
- The Signal Man - Charles Dickens 02/13
Well, i know it's not much - mostly chidren classic's literature, but I really satisfied 'coz some of them contain my 'first-attempt' on very new reading, in style-settings-genre, like the first time I reads plays by Shakespeare, or read the heavy-thick book of Gone With The Wind ... I would never read it until there's Read-A-Long event host by Fanda, and quite funny too, 'coz she didn't like the book while reading it, and me who has to be dragged and have hesitation to start - finally enjoy it more (^_^)
On 2013, even the early start, TCCP having Readathon Challenge to refresh our spirits, and it works for me (I read more focus when comes to deadline haha), then this month I finally meet the great Charles Dickens - now I'm applying for Dickensian's Club (^o^), can't help to falling-in-love with his works, and he will be one of my long-term project to finished it. February it's almost ended but for me it's just another start to the next project, thank's to the Classics Spin and several others Reading Challenge I'm joining this year, my schedule never be so tight over the last two years.
I hope others Classics Member also have enthusiasm and enjoy it the proccess, let's start now, don't hesitant, 'coz before you know it - you will flying to the mountain (^_^)
Best Regards,

Are you enjoying Great Expectations? I'm also reading the book for Celebrate Dickens month. I really like Pip's narrative and the storyline concerning Miss Havisham.
ReplyDeleteI do enjoying Great Expectations :D Even most of the characters didn't impress me much, but Dickens have a unique way to make it this story so interesting :D Maybe we can share our experient after finished it this month.
DeleteSumpeeeee, banyaknyaaaaa~ Ak sih segitu banyak satu tahun bacanya... Hahaha.. Good luck in your reading ya...
ReplyDeleteAhh ... tapi bacaanmu lebih 'berat' deh dibanding bacaanku :D beda kelas xixi *kelas bulu dan kelas batu* :D